Malaysia hilang arah,bukan negara tapi sesetengah pentadbir negara yang hilang arah .Rakyat merasa loya dengan isu sekarang,tiada tindakan proaktif tapi yang ada menghabiskan wang 1 juta untuk emas olimpik!Entah mengapa terasa tertipu dengan "title" negara pengeluar minyak,akhirnya kita juga terasa sempit dada minyak naik dan Petronas akan 'out" lebih kurang beberapa tahun lagi.Wang untuk belanja harian makin banyak sehingga terasa asing jika dulu negara pengeluar beras tapi hari ini kita terpaksa bayar harga tinggi untuk makan beras.Mungkin ada di antara rakyat yang tidak mampu membeli beras kerana tidak cukup wang!Mengapa kita begini?Mungkin sesetengah pemimpin kita tiada perancangan rapi tapi berada di pandang golf sambil "usya' projek.Mengapa kita membuat perancangan agrotani dengan teliti.Bukankah pemimpin itu perlu membuat"invision" ke depan?Aku tidak tahu hendak kata macamana..mungkin betul kata intektual islam'...semuanya sebab kekayaan tidak diagihkan secara adil!
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Apa nak buat,... pemimpin kat Malaysia sekaranag sudah tiada semangat rakyat lagi..
Malaysia sudah menjadi negara Survival of the Fittest..
Tiada lagi semangat bekerjasama dan tolong menolong... Pemimpin punya mentaliti.. Lu mau hidup itu lu punya pasal.. sendiri mau cari makan....
Aku pun sudah poning kepala.. Kekadang sedih bila tengok Malaysia dah jadi macam negara kapitalist...
Hubungan dan Konspirasi Anwar-Najib -Malaysiakini
Sila layari
Nampaknya sejak laporan kes liwat Anwar Ibrahim dibuat 28 Jun lalu, bukan sahaja Anwar yang bersusah payah mempertahankan dirinya malah juga kini Najib dan Rosmah pula yang semakin tidak nyenyak tidur.
Pertembungan diantara Anwar-Najib untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri semakin hebat. Daripada maklumat yang diperolehi, pembantu kepada Anwar Ibrahim, Saiful Bukhari telah ditangkap oleh polis dan dipaksa untuk membuat laporan polis terhadap Anwar di atas tuduhan liwat.
Krisis telah bermula. Najib yang semakin tersepit di atas pengakuan bersumpah yang dibuat oleh Raja Petra Kamarudin terpaksa menggunakan taktik kotor sebegini untuk menjatuhkan maruah Anwar Ibrahim.
Melihat kepada senario ini, ada pemerhati politik berpandangan bahawa isu liwat ini sebenarnya mempunyai serampang dua mata iaitu untuk menjatuhkan Anwar-Pembangkang dan Najib. Jika ramalan dan telahan ini betul bermakna ada pihak ketiga yang bermusuhan dengan kedua-dua mereka iaitu Anwar dan Najib yang mencari kesempatan untuk memburuk-burukkan pemimpin ini.
Logiknya ada apabila Anwar semakin hampir untuk merampas Putrajaya dan Najib dikatakan mungkin akan bertanding jawatan Presiden Umno. Maka dari teori ini anda mungkin boleh berfikir siapa di belakang isu ini ..........(untuk menambahkan koleksi orang-orang yang mungkin terlibat di belakang Saiful - sebelum ini orang tuduh Najib sekarang tambah seorang atau dua lagi )...SIAPAKAH ORANG ITU?
Penasihat PKR pernah mendakwa bahawa Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan beberapa kali bertemu Rosmah Mansor, selain rapat dengan Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan pegawai khasnya Khairil Anas Yusof.
"Saiful Bukhari mempunyai hubungan yang rapat dengan Khairil Anas dan Najib. Beliau bertemu berulang kali dengan Khairil Anas dan Rosmah," katanya. "Beliau bukan pegawai peribadi saya. Beliau mempunyai hubungan yang kuat dengan Najib."
Mantan Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu berkata beliau akan mendedahkan bukti dakwaannya dalam masa terdekat.
Kesimpulan pada kenyataan Anwar telah membayangkan betapa beliau cemburu dengan pasangan gaynya Saiful Bukhari dan berkemungkinan berlakunya pertengkaran dan ugutan diantara mereka berdua hingga memaksa Saiful membongkar hubungan seks liwat mereka.
Perkara yang sama juga pernah terjadi di pejabat TPM di mana berlakunya pertengkaran diantara Khairil Anas dan Wan Shihab oleh kerana terlalu cemburu kepada Najib yang sering memihak kepada Kharil Anas.… Dahulunya mereka berdua ini dikatakan begitu intim dan rapat sebelum mereka berpecah kepada dua jabatan yang lain.
Di mana Khairil Anas kini menjaga Najib dan Wan Shihab pula menjaga Datin Rosmah.
Khairil Anas, Wan Shihab dan Saiful Bukhari adalah tergolong diantara anak-anak ikan Najib. Mereka mempunyai hubungan seperti pasangan kekasih. Bezanya mereka ini lelaki dan sukar untuk kita ramalkan.
Bukan Anwar sahaja yang begitu rakus dengan kaum lelaki, tetapi tidak kurang dengan Najib. Bezanya, Najib begitu pandai menyembunyikannya dan begitu berhati-hati menyembunyikan status sebenarnya.
Amat memalukan apabila Najib sanggup mengambil anak-anak ikannya bekerja di pejabat TPM. Khairil Anas yang berkhidmat di Uia sekarang bertugas sebagai penulis ucapan Najib pada bahagian dasar dan penyelidikan.
Anwar-Najib rupanya sama miskipun orang yang berlainan. Moral kedua mereka amat hancur. Selayaknya digelar pemimpin al-juburi. Mereka hanya tahu menggunakan keadaan untuk meneruskan hayat mereka samada dari segi kehidupan ataupun berpolitik. Sungguh hina dan tidak bermaruah.
Perkumpulan kesemua anak ikan yang ditempatkan sepejabat sebenarnya memudahkan Najib menyelia segala tindakan mereka. Jika mereka cuba untuk curang, maka senanglah Najib mengambil tindakan tatatertib sepertimana ‘tindakan wajib’ yang dilakukan oleh Anwar terhadap Saiful hinggakan Saiful sudah tidak tahan lagi diperlakukan.
Disebabkan itu jugalah Khairil Anas dan Wan Shahab tidak boleh ke mana-mana selain melekat bersama Najib. Dan Rosmah pula terpaksa mendiamkan diri kerana dia juga telah lama memasang angan-angan untuk menjadi “First Lady”.
Apa sudah jadi dengan Malaysia ini. Kenapa? Sudah tiada lagikah anak-anak muda yang ikhlas bekerja untuk membantu Najib mentadbir negara? Kenapa Najib sanggup mengambil mereka yang kurang akhlak bekerja dipejabat TPM semata-mata untuk memuaskan nafsunya.
Ramai lagi anak-anak muda yang mempunyai potensi besar yang boleh membantu Najib mentadbir negara ini. Sikap Najib memang begitu jijik sekali. Beliau tidak layak digelar pemimpin nombor dua negara apatah lagi hendak menerajui negara ini pada masa akan datang.
Majoriti ulama iaitu Malik, Abu Yusuf dan Muhammad (dua orang murid Abu Hanifah), Syaf`ie dan Ahmad mengatakan hukuman liwat ialah bunuh dan ia termasuk jenayah hudud (Dr. Ahmad Fathi Bahnasi, Madkhal al-Fiqh al-Jina'I al-Islami, m.s: 60).
Pertama, liwat sama hukumnya dengan berzina. Tetapi, dosa liwat lebih besar daripada dosa berzina. Malah Rasulullah s.a.w melaknat golongan yang meliwat isteri melalui dubur.Menurut Abu Hurairah r.a, Nabi s.a.w telah bersabda:"Sesiapa yang mendatangi wanita atau isteri melalui dubur (liwat) atau menemui tukang tilik lalu membenarkan apa yang dikatakannya, sesungguhnya dia telah kafir (tidak mengimani) risalah yang telah diturunkan kepada Muhammad s.a.w." – Hadis riwayat al-Darimi.Kedua, sesiapa yang melakukan maksiat berterusan digelar sebagai ahli fasiq sama ada dosa besar atau dosa kecil. Hakikatnya, tidak sah ahli fasiq mewalikan anak perempuannya. Namun, jika dia telah bertaubat pasti ALLAH menerima taubatnya kecuali syirik. Jika syirik, dia wajib melafazkan kembali
Kalimah syahadah kerana telah murtad.Firman ALLAH S.W.T:"Sesungguhnya ALLAH tidak mengampunkan sesiapa yang mensyirikkan_NYA tetapi mengampuni dosa selain daripada itu." – Surah al-Nisa'': 116.Ketiga, hukuman bagi perbuatan liwat sama ada peliwat atau mangsa liwat secara rela ada sedikit perbezaan dengan hukuman zina. Penzina
The malay pig have drawn up a plan to displace all non-malays. They are discriminating against all non-malays. More and more non-malays are leaving.
You know why he/she need to leave……….? It is all because of those idiots who voted for the pig government to chase those talents out of this country.
This scenario would stay.
They would prefer to remain backward, so long as they are in control over you and me. I think they enjoy seeing non-malays 'begging' all the time.
Even though they are left far behind Korea, Taiwan and now Thailand is coming up strong. To them these are not competitors. In their narrow mind, the 'enemies' are local non-malays. Must suppress, by all means.
All malay pig are programmed to be promoted much faster ahead of non-malays the moment they join University Malaya. Soon University Malaya will be dominated by malay pig and the ranking will slip further.
Most of the malay pig in Malaysia cannot think clearly, their mind and thinking are clouded by such things as comfort zone, frog-in-a-well syndrome, ignorance, racial pride, stubbornness, etc.
Ask all malay pig go back to Indonesia.
The malay pig make Malaysia become rubbish country. Without malay pig in Malaysia - Malaysia country will become same as Singapore or Taiwan.
Where malay pig came from? Indonesia? Arab? Africa? What happened to our Orang Asli? They are the original settlers here, they should be the true real bumiputras. Not the babiputras we have here.
What is wrong with the babiputras? Highest crime rates, highest divorce rates, highest number of criminals, highest number of drug users, highest number of rapists.
A genetically flawed race (babiputras) cannot be fixed by politically.
What have we got now?
Brain drain, economic disparity getting wider, poor education system, racial segregation, widespread corruption, inefficiency and uncompetitive on the government departments and others.
Sad. Sad. Sad. The question asked by many of my fellow Chinese is this - Why can't you just tell the malay pig to adopt Chinese culture which is superior?
It makes no difference whether I am a Chinese, Indian or for that matter, anyone else, even a Mat Salleh. I am speaking as a human being to a malay pig like you.
If you malay pig don't like the non-malays here, then go back to Sumatra, Jawa, or wherever your ancestors came from, and give this land back to its rightful master, the Orang Asli.
If Malaysia is to divide into two countries with malay pig taking the east, and the west to the Chinese and the Indians - watch that the malay pig starting to migrate to the west illegally for a better future.
It is no wonder Singapore is a country which is 50 years ahead of Malaysia.
You know something - once outside the perimeters of Malaysia, these malay pig are so small in value even a dog has more value than them!
Everything in Malaysia is a joke when it comes to the malay pig. They are laughed at by everyone in this world for being incompetent, lazy, useless morons.
From research, this peninsular was part of the Siamese empire way before these malay pig from Indonesia invaded it.
Still so thick skin, don't want to go back to Indonesia.
I am totally agree what you have said, those moron malays have no sense of 'malu'. For example, I find that most of those malay pig creature are dirty and smelly, but they still walking around proudly with that stinking and ugly look.
Another example is most of them are poor, they can't afford a big luxury car. When they saw Chinese or Indian driving a big car, they are feeling distress and jealous.
What a loser! Hey non-malays can afford a big car without depend on NEP policy. But you pathetic malay pig can't afford it even though with NEP policy help. Loser malay pig!
F***k Muslims and all malay pig in Malaysia.
I feel ashamed to call myself a Malaysian nowadays because you malay pig are making us losing our pride day by day by corrupting the once dignified image of this country, you know Malaysia is now a laughing stock among the non-Muslim countries in the world!
People despise this country still protecting the lame lot and not doing anything to improve the deteriorating situation, still practising double standards among its own people, still expelling the non-malay genius to other countries, still depriving the rights and benefits of other races to its own race, still criticize and blame the Chinese for their minority poverty.
Hey, what is wrong with you malay pig? Haven't you fed yourself enough with the loots yet? Still want more? What a worthless thieves bunch!
You malay pig are worse than a maggot. We need a leader not a faggot to rule this country. Get lost you freak!
For all the bad things you stupid melayu babi say about the Chinese, when you are in trouble and big shit, what do you do?
You come crawling back on your knees to the Chinaman to help you, because you can't trust all your malay pig who are sodomy rapists, incest culprits, drug addicts.
Without the Chinese, you malay pig will still live on trees, swinging from tree to tree like monkeys, or forages on the ground by your 4 legs to eat all the shit.
You malay pig are a truly ungrateful lot - the minute all the Chinese leave Bolehland - you malay pig will collapse into the sea and die - that is your destiny!
I think the problem of malay pig race is their culture - it is in born in their gene - nowhere in the world that you will see affirmative action is focusing on the majority because it is always the minority that need the protection.
Worst, the minority in Malaysia has been systematically marginalized just to suppress them of their growth.
Let the malay pig make Malaysia the most corrupted place to live in and see what happened in 2020? I guess malay pig will go back to Indonesia as Malaysia don't belong to them, they are also immigrants from Sumatra, Sulawesi, Jawa, etc.
Please get it into your pea-sized otak udang plastered with layers and layers of tahi babi encased in your kepala kayu that Malaysia belong to the Orang Asli who are the true bumis of the country.
Niffy pellmell malay pig are in fact pendatang haram who swam across the Melaka Strait illegally from Sumatra. They should be caught, given severe caning and deported back to their pig sties in Sumatra.
Bodoh punya melayu babi……….
Baik balik ke tanah melayu la. We are natives of Sabah and Sarawak land - buat apa kamu punya orang datang sini menjajah kita oh?
Kita tak suka kamu orang datang sini mengorek sumber petroleum tanah kita - this Sabah and Sarawak land not belongs to your malays.
Get out from Sabah and Sarawak la!
Bodoh melayu babi!
Yes, a lot of non-malays in Malaysia are leaving this country. But what the hell, they (babiputras) don't care. They are happy that we leave.
I do agree with you of those you mentioned, our country is stepping backward, we are loosing in all aspects and yet overdue and retarded ministers are still available on shelf. The ministers think that they are the only ones capable and qualified to be there and not replaceable, otherwise the country could collapse.
Looking at Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq likes looking at this country future. The well connected babiputras are getting richer. This government is spoon feeding the babiputras at this nation expense. I am sick of this country too.
My advise is let them rot in their own stew.
The Barisan government has achieved 0% in reversing the trend of racism.
While South Africa has disbanded racism through the government's initiative after the global news onslaught, our government leaders are propagating FACISM and RACISM in every way.
In term of racism, we are the most uncivilised country in the world. Look into our neighbouring countries of Asia, they are advancing economically on a straight forward objective, for their citizens.
Whereas we are moving in deviationist path, widely off the international economic theory for the sole objective, of propelling the well being of a supreme race.
Mahathir era is over, here we have Badawi. Is he changing the trend? Not a single sign of it.
How about the future under Najib? Sad, sad. They have more camouflage in readiness.
Hey, you pathetic cow and all the babiputras who have the same feeling/thinking like them. You don't feel shame being spoon feed by government using the taxpayers money?
I guess all the protection policy make you all even more lazy and narrow minded and stupid. The majority of you once step out of the Malaysia soil will sure starve to death.
Hoy, I think you should try some pork meat once a while to make you more intelligent a bit. Look at around the world region, anti pork meat countries are mostly rippled with starving and war or worst, non-stop crying for government policy protection.
Fact is fact when you babiputras are stupid is always stupid - although it can be help by consistent protection and nourishment policy but the end result will not go far because the quality of gene is there.
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